My name is Aaron, some call me Wen.
I happen to make things, I make things happen.

I’m a freelance filmmaker with the curiosity of an engineer. My full-stack filmmaking production services lean with a specialization in quick-turn editing and motion graphics, particularly impactful when paired with ten years of history in motion storytelling.

Like so many of us, I find myself suspended in these in-betweens — of digital and analog, western and eastern cultures, art and science — and somehow it just all works out.

I believe that where great work exists not in practicing a single medium, but in a burning curiosity and intersection of form and style. From filmmaking I learn storytelling, from poetry I learn nuance. My photography is centered on patient observation, from engineering I learn process.

Regardless of medium, at the heart of all my work is a process founded on the simple principle: honorable purpose drives meaningful work. 

Kind words from My People

“From the very beginning their work has reflected a deep sense of care for people and their passions and processes, and a lifelong-learner spirit for new technical skills, story formats, and ways of being / relating. They’re an inspiration and a gift to collaborate with!”

-Jay Kimball, friend and long-time filmmaker collaborator
“All the artsy/technique-y tendencies you want from a creator. But all the dependability, communication skills and accountability you need in a business capacity. Aaron's a good mix of both. Always enjoy our collaborations.”

- Tim Cawley, Founder of Sleek Machine & CCO of HeyLet’sGo
“I have known Aaron for over two decades! Their commitment and dedication to doing their best with passion is the foundation of their impeccable work ethics! I am eager to see more to come and hope they can help make this world a better place for their generation and beyond!”

- Mom, Engineer & Shoulder to Lean On
“Aaron will soak up new information like a sponge and will be an incredible asset to any team they join. They are also a nice guy… and that’s kind of a big deal.”

- Ian Schon, Product Design Engineer